Avro vs Arrow: What are the differences?

Avro and Arrow are two popular data formats used in a variety of settings. They both have advantages and disadvantages, and understanding their differences is essential for making informed decisions about which one to use.

In this blog post, we will explore the differences between Avro and Arrow, including the performance and efficiency of each format, and some common use cases.


Avro and Arrow are two open source data formats developed by the Apache Software Foundation. Both formats are designed to provide efficient data storage, serialization, and data interchange across various programming languages. Avro was developed in 2009, while Arrow was developed in 2013. While they both have similar goals, they differ in how they store data and the types of table formats they use.

Avro is a row-based data format. It stores data in an unstructured, binary format and can be used for a variety of tasks such as data serialization, data storage, and data interchange. Avro is widely used in big data applications, as it can store large amounts of data in a compact format.

Arrow is a columnar data format. It stores data in a highly structured, binary format and can be used for tasks such as data serialization, data storage, and data interchange. Arrow is widely used in analytics applications, as it can store data in a compressed format with improved query performance.

Avro and Arrow Data Formats

The Avro data format is a row-based format that stores each row of data as a set of bytes. It requires a schema, which is a set of instructions that define the structure of the data. Avro is ideal for storing large amounts of data in a compact format, as it can store data without requiring any additional overhead.

The Arrow data format is a columnar format that stores each column of data as a set of bytes. It also requires a schema. Arrow is ideal for storing data in a compressed format and for improving query performance, as it can store data with minimal overhead.

Columnar vs Row-Based Table Formats

Avro and Arrow use different table formats to store data. Avro uses a row-based format, while Arrow uses a columnar format.

A row-based table format stores data in a single row. Each row contains all the data for a single record. This format is ideal for storing data in an unstructured format, as it can store data without requiring any additional overhead.

A columnar table format stores data in multiple columns. Each column contains the data for a single field. This format is ideal for storing data in a compressed format and for improving query performance, as it can store data with minimal overhead.

Performance and Efficiency

Avro and Arrow both have their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to performance and efficiency.

Queries and analysis on data stored in Avro can be slower than queries on Arrow, as it needs to scan the entire table to find the data.

Arrow is a columnar format, which means data can be accessed efficiently, only loading the columns that are needed and not having to load the entire table.

Use Cases

Avro and Arrow have different use cases. Avro is best suited for storing large amounts of data in a compact format, while Arrow is best suited for when you want to store data that you want to query or analyze later on.

Avro is commonly used in big data applications, such as data streaming and data analytics. It is ideal for storing large amounts of data in a compact format, which makes it well suited for tasks such as data serialization, data storage, and data interchange.

Arrow is commonly used in analytics applications, such as data warehousing and data mining. It is ideal for storing data in a compressed format and for improving query performance, which makes it well suited for tasks such as data analysis and data visualization.


Avro and Arrow are two popular data formats used in a variety of settings. While they both have similar goals, they differ in how they store data and the types of table formats they use. Avro is a row-based format that is best suited for storing large amounts of data in a compact format, while Arrow is a columnar format that is best suited for storing data in a compressed format and for improving query performance. Understanding the differences between Avro and Arrow is essential for making informed decisions about which one to use.